Arena Gardens (Mutual Street Arena)
Location: Toronto, OntarioDates: December 22, 1917-March 21, 1931
Total games: 225
Games played at Arena Gardens that were not Toronto home games:
- February 20, 1930, vs. Pittsburgh Pirates
- March 21, 1931, vs. Ottawa Senators (the final game at the Gardens).
The January 5, 1918 game vs. the Montreal Wanderers was forfeited, as the Wanderers had already disbanded.
Total goals: 1339 by 168 players
Toronto Arenas/St. Patricks/Maple Leafs (778 goals), Montreal Canadiens (159), Ottawa Senators (132), Hamilton Tigers (64), Montreal Maroons (57), Boston Bruins (44), New York Rangers (31), New York Americans (19), Pittsburgh Pirates (19), Detroit Cougars/Falcons (12), Chicago Blackhawks (11), Quebec Bulldogs (11), Philadelphia Quakers (2).
Arena Gardens, also known as Mutual Street Arena, was the original home of Toronto's NHL teams, and of Toronto's NHA teams from 1912-1917. In 1931 Toronto moved to Maple Leaf Gardens.
Player | Goals | Notes | Babe Dye | 106 | 105 with Toronto St. Patricks, 1 with Chicago Blackhawks. | Reg Noble | 62 | 61 with Toronto Arenas/St. Patricks, 1 with Montreal Maroons. | Ace Bailey | 57 | All with Toronto St. Patricks/Maple Leafs. | Corb Denneny | 51 | All with Toronto Arenas/St. Patricks/Maple Leafs. | Jack Adams | 42 | 41 with Toronto Arenas/St. Patricks, 1 with Ottawa Senators. | Harry Cameron | 41 | 39 with Toronto Arenas/St. Patricks, 2 with Ottawa Senators. | Charlie Conacher | 35 | All with Toronto Maple Leafs. | Cy Denneny | 35 | All with Ottawa Senators. | Ken Randall | 33 | All with Toronto Arenas/St. Patricks. | Hap Day | 32 | All with Toronto St. Patricks/Maple Leafs. | Bill Carson | 26 | All with Toronto St. Patricks/Maple Leafs. | Bert Corbeau | 26 | 14 with Toronto St. Patricks/Maple Leafs, 8 with Montreal Canadiens, 4 with Hamilton Tigers. | Baldy Cotton | 25 | 21 with Toronto Maple Leafs, 4 with Pittsburgh Pirates. | Howie Morenz | 23 | All with Montreal Canadiens. | Andy Blair | 22 | All with Toronto Maple Leafs. | Newsy Lalonde | 20 | All with Montreal Canadiens. | Frank Nighbor | 20 | 19 with Ottawa Senators, 1 with Toronto Maple Leafs. | Jimmy Herbert | 19 | 9 with Toronto Maple Leafs, 8 with Boston Bruins, 2 with Detroit Cougars. | Busher Jackson | 19 | All with Toronto Maple Leafs. | Mickey Roach | 17 | 9 with Toronto St. Patricks, 7 with Hamilton Tigers, 1 with New York Americans. | Cully Wilson | 17 | 13 with Toronto Maple Leafs, 2 with Hamilton Tigers, 2 with Chicago Blackhawks. | Punch Broadbent | 16 | 12 with Ottawa Senators, 4 with Montreal Maroons. | Danny Cox | 16 | All with Toronto Maple Leafs. | Joe Malone | 16 | 7 with Hamilton Tigers, 6 with Montreal Canadiens, 3 with Quebec Bulldogs. | Alf Skinner | 16 | All with Toronto Arenas. | Odie Cleghorn | 15 | All with Montreal Canadiens. | Sprague Cleghorn | 15 | 7 with Ottawa Senators, 6 with Montreal Canadiens, 1 with Toronto St. Patricks, 1 with Boston Bruins. | Bert McCaffrey | 15 | All with Toronto St. Patricks. | Goldie Prodgers | 15 | 11 with Hamilton Tigers, 4 with Toronto St. Patricks. | Nels Stewart | 15 | All with Montreal Maroons. | Aurel Joliat | 14 | All with Montreal Canadiens. | Pete Bellefeuille | 13 | 11 with Toronto St. Patricks, 2 with Detroit Cougars. | Amos Arbour | 12 | 9 with Montreal Canadiens, 2 with Hamilton Tigers, 1 with Toronto St. Patricks. | Butch Keeling | 12 | All with Toronto St. Patricks/Maple Leafs. | Harry Meeking | 11 | All with Toronto Arenas. | Art Duncan | 10 | All with Toronto Maple Leafs. | Bill Cook | 9 | All with New York Rangers. | Red Green | 9 | 7 with Hamilton Tigers, 2 with New York Americans. | Didier Pitre | 9 | All with Montreal Canadiens. | Joe Primeau | 9 | All with Toronto Maple Leafs. | Red Stuart | 9 | 8 with Toronto St. Patricks, 1 with Boston Bruins. | Billy Boucher | 8 | All with Montreal Canadiens. | Georges Boucher | 8 | All with Ottawa Senators. | Billy Burch | 8 | 7 with Hamilton Tigers, 1 with New York Americans. | King Clancy | 8 | 6 with Ottawa Senators, 2 with Toronto Maple Leafs. | Rusty Crawford | 8 | 7 with Ottawa Senators, 1 with Toronto Maple Leafs. | Gerry Lowrey | 8 | 6 with Toronto Maple Leafs, 1 with Pittsburgh Penguins, 1 with Philadelphia Quakers. | Joe Matte | 8 | 7 with Toronto St. Patricks, 1 with Hamilton Tigers. | Art Smith | 8 | 7 with Toronto Maple Leafs, 1 with Ottawa Senators. | Louis Berlinquette | 7 | 6 with Montreal Canadiens, 1 with Montreal Maroons. | Harold Darragh | 7 | 5 with Ottawa Senators, 2 with Pittsburgh Pirates. | Lloyd Andrews | 6 | All with Toronto St. Patricks. | Bun Cook | 6 | All with New York Rangers. | Billy Coutu | 6 | 5 with Montreal Canadiens, 1 with Hamilton Tigers. | Jack Darragh | 6 | All with Ottawa Senators. | Shorty Horne | 6 | All with Toronto Maple Leafs. | Hec Kilrea | 6 | All with Ottawa Senators. | Harry Mummery | 6 | 3 with Toronto Arenas, 2 with Quebec Bulldogs, 1 with Montreal Canadiens. | Frank Boucher | 5 | All with New York Rangers. | Carson Cooper | 5 | 3 with Detroit Cougars/Falcons, 2 with Boston Bruins. | Herb Drury | 5 | All with Pittsburgh Pirates. | Shorty Green | 5 | 3 with Hamilton Tigers, 2 with New York Americans. | Jack McDonald | 5 | 4 with Montreal Canadiens, 1 with Quebec Bulldogs. | Dunc Munro | 5 | All with Montreal Maroons. | Russell Oatman | 5 | All with Montreal Maroons. | Babe Siebert | 5 | All with Montreal Maroons. | Edmond Bouchard | 4 | All with Hamilton Tigers. | George Carey | 4 | All with Quebec Bulldogs. | Dit Clapper | 4 | All with Boston Bruins. | Lionel Conacher | 4 | 3 with New York Americans, 1 with Montreal Maroons. | Frank Finnigan | 4 | All with Ottawa Senators. | Art Gagne | 4 | 2 with Ottawa Senators, 2 with Montreal Canadiens. | Dutch Gainor | 4 | All with Boston Bruins. | Joe Hall | 4 | All with Montreal Canadiens. | Normie Himes | 4 | All with New York Americans. | Ching Johnson | 4 | All with New York Rangers. | Pit Lepine | 4 | All with Montreal Canadiens. | Baldy Northcott | 4 | All with Montreal Maroons. | George Patterson | 4 | All with Toronto Maple Leafs. | Bill Phillips | 4 | All with Montreal Maroons. | Normie Shay | 4 | 3 with Toronto Maple Leafs, 1 with Boston Bruins. | Marty Barry | 3 | All with Boston Bruins. | Bill Brydges | 3 | All with Toronto St. Patricks. | Percy Galbraith | 3 | All with Boston Bruins. | Hago Harrington | 3 | All with Boston Bruins. | Stan Jackson | 3 | 2 with Boston Bruins, 1 with Toronto St. Patricks. | Wildor Larochelle | 3 | All with Montreal Canadiens. | Albert Leduc | 3 | All with Montreal Canadiens. | Sylvio Mantha | 3 | All with Montreal Canadiens. | Tommy McCarthy | 3 | 2 with Hamilton Tigers, 1 with Quebec Bulldogs. | Alex McKinnon | 3 | All with Hamilton Tigers. | Murray Murdoch | 3 | All with New York Rangers. | Mike Neville | 3 | All with Toronto St. Patricks. | Eric Pettinger | 3 | All with Toronto Maple Leafs. | Leo Reise | 3 | All with Hamilton Tigers. | Joe Simpson | 3 | All with New York Americans. | Alex Smith | 3 | All with Ottawa Senators. | Hooley Smith | 3 | All with Montreal Maroons. | Rod Smylie | 3 | 2 with Toronto St. Patricks, 1 with Ottawa Senators. (His only 3 NHL goals.) | Bill Touhey | 3 | All with Ottawa Senators. | Spiff Campbell | 2 | All with Ottawa Senators. | Jack Coughlin | 2 | All with Toronto Arenas. (His only 2 NHL goals.) | Harold Darragh | 2 | All with Pittsburgh Pirates. | Eddie Gerard | 2 | All with Ottawa Senators. | Bob Gracie | 2 | All with Toronto Maple Leafs. | Leonard Grosvenor | 2 | All with Ottawa Senators. | Smokey Harris | 2 | All with Boston Bruins. | Lionel Hitchman | 2 | 1 with Boston Bruins, 1 with Ottawa Senators. | Hobie Kitchen | 2 | All with Montreal Maroons. | Charlie Langlois | 2 | All with New York Americans. | Hib Milks | 2 | All with Pittsburgh Pirates. | Harry Oliver | 2 | All with Boston Bruins. | George Owen | 2 | All with Boston Bruins. | Vic Ripley | 2 | All with Chicago Blackhawks. | Allan Shields | 2 | All with Ottawa Senators. | Hamby Shore | 2 | All with Ottawa Senators. | Dave Trottier | 2 | All With Montreal Maroons. | Jack Arbour | 1 | With Toronto Maple Leafs. | Ty Arbour | 1 | With Chicago Blackhawks. | Bernie Brophy | 1 | With Detroit Cougars. | Cecil Browne | 1 | With Chicago Blackhawks | Gord Brydson | 1 | With Toronto Maple Leafs. | Marty Burke | 1 | With Montreal Canadiens. | Harry Connor | 1 | With New York Americans. | Lloyd Cook | 1 | With Boston Bruins. (His only NHL goal.) | Tommy Cook | 1 | With Chicago Blackhawks. | Cecil Dillon | 1 | With New York Rangers. | Red Dutton | 1 | With Montreal Maroons. | Fred Elliott | 1 | With Ottawa Senators. | Tommy Filmore | 1 | With Detroit Falcons. | Frank Frederickson | 1 | With Pittsburgh Pirates. | Johnny Gagnon | 1 | With Montreal Canadiens. | John Gallagher | 1 | With Montreal Maroons. | Leo Gaudreault | 1 | With Montreal Canadiens. | Gerry Geran | 1 | With Boston Bruins. | Ed Gorman | 1 | With Ottawa Senators. | Johnny Gottselig | 1 | With Chicago Blackhawks. | Lloyd Gross | 1 | With Toronto Maple Leafs. | Slim Halderson | 1 | With Toronto St. Patricks. | Gizzy Hart | 1 | With Montreal Canadiens. | George Hay | 1 | With Detroit Falcons. | Toots Holway | 1 | With Toronto St. Patricks. | Red Horner | 1 | With Toronto Maple Leafs. | Roland Huard | 1 | With Toronto Maple Leafs. (His only NHL goal.) | Dick Irvin | 1 | With Chicago Blackhawks. | Bud Jarvis | 1 | With Pittsburgh Pirates. | Duke Keats | 1 | With Detroit Cougars. | Wally Kilrea | 1 | With Philadelphia Quakers. | Joe Lamb | 1 | With Montreal Maroons. | Jack Laviolette | 1 | With Montreal Canadiens. (His only NHL goal.) | Mickey MacKay | 1 | With Boston Bruins. | Jack MacKell | 1 | With Ottawa Senators. | Dinny Manners | 1 | With Pittsburgh Pirates. | Georges Mantha | 1 | With Montreal Canadiens. | Duke McCurry | 1 | With Pittsburgh Pirates. | Johnny McKinnon | 1 | With Pittsburgh Pirates. | Earl Miller | 1 | With Chicago Blackhawks. | Bat Phillips | 1 | With Montreal Maroons (his only NHL goal). | Reg Reid | 1 | With Toronto St. Patricks. | Dave Ritchie | 1 | With Ottawa Senators. | Eddie Rodden | 1 | With Toronto Maple Leafs. | John Sheppard | 1 | With Detroit Cougars. | Eddie Shore | 1 | With Boston Bruins. | Ralph Taylor | 1 | With New York Rangers. | Paul Thompson | 1 | With New York Rangers. | Jimmy Ward | 1 | With Montreal Maroons. | Nick Wasnie | 1 | With Montreal Canadiens. | Cooney Weiland | 1 | With Boston Bruins. |
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